Latest Opinion


Marketing, Sports, and University: The UM-Oxford Case

By Itzhak Mashiah Guest columnist Where I’m from, when you mention “football,” it usually refers to soccer. But ...


What type pencil are you?

By TJ Ray Columnist   I bet that anyone who uses a computer regularly probably sees dozens of ...


Having Lent cravings for food

By Steve Stricker   Ladies, I heard that when pregnant you can have weird food cravings – did ...


Storms rage in weather, everyday life

By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist The storms this past Saturday were wild. It was around 4 AM when ...


Veteran groups are strong in county

By Harold Brummett Star Denmark Route   The Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting at the Veterans Hut was ...


Column: Magnolia season brings sneezes

By Bonnie Brown Columnist Welcome to spring, otherwise known as allergy season!  How do I know this?  Well, ...


Opinion: Distracted by identity politics, cultural war

By Susan Mah, LCSW Guest Columnist   In the last few weeks, there have been Americans on both ...


Opinion: Nothing takes place of persistence

By T.J. Ray Columnist   Since we call oranges orange, why don’t we call lemons yellows and apples ...


Opinion: Lent is perfect timing this year

By Steve Stricker Columnist Today I am eight wonderful days into my 40-day Lenten journey in the peaceful, ...


Medicaid program under scrutiny for cuts

By Sid Salter  Columnist   On March 7, the Democratic Minority of the bipartisan and congressionally created Joint ...


Opinion: Don’t be afraid to look past the dirt

By Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist   I have a shop on our property. It is a real blessing ...


Opinion: Kinder, gentler world needed

By Bonnie Brown  Columnist Why are we less civil these days than in the past?  I really don’t ...


Local veterans discuss issues with Washington delegation

By Harold Brummett Star Denmark Route   Last Saturday I was traveling to Washington, D.C., and missed the ...


Daylight Saving Time here again Sunday

By Bonnie Brown Columnist Are you ready to leap into Spring on March 9 via Daylight Savings Time?  ...


Almost time to celebrate Cinco de Leso

By  Les Ferguson, Jr. Columnist   Happy Birthday! For all I know, you may be celebrating your birthday ...


Bird flu a dire concern for state’s top commodity

By Sid Salter Columnist   Empty coolers on grocery store egg product shelves, dramatically higher prices when you ...


City elections are often overlooked

By Michael Watson Guest Columnist Despite successfully administering the 2024 Presidential Election just a few months ago, Mississippi ...


Days of reflection during Lent season

By Steve Stricker Columnist Submitting this on Thursday, February 27, met with Dr. Lyn’s Nurse Katie at 11:30 ...


Mental illness: An elephant in the room

By T.J. Ray Columnist   From 26 July 2011   My email brought a cute cartoon recently. It ...


Clarksdale newspaper ruling is puzzling, disturbing

By Sid Salter Columnist   Hinds County Chancellor Crystal Wise Martin kicked a political and judicial hornet’s nest ...


Always best to pack own bags

By Bonnie Brown Columnist I’ve recently read about people who have packed guns and ammunition in their luggage ...


Patriotic program at Regents School

By Harold Brummett Star Denmark Route A couple of weeks ago I was invited to a ceremony at ...

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