City of Oxford announces promotions in planning and building departments
Published 6:24 pm Monday, December 3, 2018
The City of Oxford has announced separated promotions for two separate employees, and the impending retirement of another.
According to a release from the city on Monday, Benjamin Requet and Chris Carter have been named Oxford’s Planning Director and Building Inspector, respectively, and will take over January 1, 2019.
The release states that both Carter and Requet are both “critically important to the city’s future success.”
Requet will be taking over Judy Daniel’s position. Daniels is decreasing her role in the planning department in preparation for retirement, according to a city spokesman.
According to the release, both Requet and Carter’s new positions come with more responsibility in the city’s new Department of Development Services, which consolidates the planning, building and engineering departments under one sector.
Requet is currently the city’s Assistant Planning Director, and is a graduate of the University of Mississippi and the University of Memphis. Before coming to Oxford, Requet the Regional Sustainability Coordinator for the Gulf Regional Planning Commission in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Carter has been with the City of Oxford for more than 16 years, according to the release. The release also says Carter hold certifications in Residential and Commercial Building, as a Combination, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Inspector as well as a Building Code Specialist.
Daniel, a graduate of UM, was named Oxford’s Planning Director in 2016. Before coming back to Oxford, she was the Planning Director for the Town of Asheville, North Carolina.