An honest question: What, or who, am I?
Published 8:55 am Friday, December 1, 2017
By TJ Ray
It is so very difficult in these exciting times of changing hair color and sex changes to really get a grasp on reality.
At times, the almost laser-fast changes in society force an honest person to ask the question: What am I?
Not long ago I impulsively wrote President Trump a letter, knowing full well that it would be read by the man within the hour. In that missive, I acknowledged having voted for him, then went on to suggest he silence his tweet machine.
Needless to say, some acquaintances who voted twice for the previous POTUS chided me about my letter. Their puerile attacks drew no blood, given the fact that anyone who voted twice for Mr. Obama and still refuses to acknowledge the harm he did this country is mentally too far gone to engage in honest discourse.
Then along come some words broadcast on Facebook, that digital resource of brilliance and objectivity. From the evidence in the Facebook entry, it appeared that the writer was unhappy after the last election, though he or she or it did comment on the political upset. Further, the writer listed the several groups who are accused of doing the country in. Here’s the passage:
“Here’s my plan: 1.) Weep for the visible operation of white supremacist heteropatriarchy on display in our election tonight. 2.) Not get out of bed for a couple of days. 3.) Get back up and get back to the hard work of critical education and transforming our racist, misogynistic, heterosexist, xenophobic, violent culture.”
Heteropatriarchy, racist, misogynistic, heterosexual, xenophobic? Oh, yes, and violent culture. Probably the most violent culture in the world today are in the streets of the Venezuelan capital, Chicago and Los Angeles. Might it be that the folks who have destroyed those cities are precisely the ones who most need change?
It occurs to me that to define what I am I must list my flaws: I’m a male, I’m Caucasian, I belong to a Christian church, I’m a former Scoutmaster, once upon a time I wore a uniform with a globe-and-anchor device on the collar, I was married to the same woman for 54 years, I don’t like cauliflower or sushi, I am a bit overweight, I am not fond of ink on bodies, I do not like metal piercing in lips and ear, I do not like the idiotic rewriting of history.
Yes, I know I’m hiding most of my faults, but these few may help this Facebook guru pick the right label for me.
In the meantime, I am passionate about finding what to call the author of the rabid Facebook words.
T.J. Ray is a retired professor of English at Ole Miss.