Public invited to view proposed Vision 2037 Land Use Types Map

Published 12:00 pm Monday, June 20, 2016

Oxford residents will get their first glimpse of the new Land Use Types Map proposed to be a part of the city’s updated Comprehensive Plan, dubbed Vision 2037, during a public meeting this week.

Representatives from the Oxford Planning Department will host the meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Oxford Conference Center where staff will give a summary of how the land use types fit into the context of the Vision 2037 plan, the characteristics of the land use types and the reasons they were chosen for the indicated locations.

The city began working on the updated comprehensive plan in March 2015 after hiring the Orion Planning Group to assist with the process.

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The new plan will steer away from just developing land based on zoning and will focus on various types of land uses that include suburban corridors; suburban centers; traditional neighborhoods; urban corridors; urban centers and the urban core, which is the downtown Square.

Additional information regarding the characteristics of these types will be available at the meeting.

“This is not a zoning map, and the meeting will not be a discussion of zoning,” said City Planner Judy Daniel. “Any modifications to the city’s zoning will be a part of a process that will begin after the Comprehensive Plan is adopted.”

The land use map indicates intent for general land use characteristics over a five-year perspective as a part of the planning process.

Comments and concerns from the public are encouraged and will be recorded and forwarded to the Oxford Planning Commission and the Oxford Board of Aldermen.

This event is the final public event for the Vision 2037 Plan process before the adoption process begins. The Vision 2037 Plan is currently scheduled for consideration for recommendation for approval by the Planning Commission at the July 11 meeting.

The Vision 2037 plan addresses a number of critical issues for Oxford, including the natural environment, historic resources, land uses, development form and character, transportation, housing, economic development, infrastructure and similar issues. The city’s last comprehensive plan was prepared in 2004.

The Vision 2037 comprehensive plan has four major components to keep Oxford the way residents and leaders see Oxford today and 20 years down the road. Those components include:

— Preservation of existing neighborhoods and the Courthouse Square.

— Greatly enhanced form and function of commercial areas.

— Frame the basic direction for expansion and align future development in those areas with Oxford’s adopted Guiding Principals.

— Align the remaining developable places with Oxford’s Planning Principles.

Following the public meeting Wednesday, the land use maps will be available for view in the Planning Department at City Hall through July 1. The map will also be viewable on the city website at

Reference copies of the Vision 2037 Plan will also be available for public viewing at the Planning Department in City Hall, and on the city’s website Copies of this final public draft of the Vision 2037 Plan will be available for purchase at Callahan’s Quick Print.