Lafayette County Board of Supervisors agenda
Published 6:00 am Sunday, September 6, 2015
Lafayette County
Board of Supervisors
9 a.m., Tuesday
1. Call to Order
2. Approve Agenda
3. Approve minutes of August 17, 2015 meeting.
4. Approve Claims Docket.
New Business
5. Consider accepting bid for fire station #2 project. (Larry Britt)
6. Consider commercial plan revision for AAA Storage on Hwy 334. (Larry Britt)
7. Consider preliminary subdivision site plan approval for The Highlands Phase 10. (Larry Britt)
8. Consider approving variance request to change side setback from 7’ to 5’ on Lot #63 in Southpointe Phase 1. (Larry Britt)
9. Consider preliminary and final subdivision site plan approval for Twelve Oaks Phase IV. (Larry Britt)
10. Consider approving variance request to change lot size requirement in The Heights Phase III. (Larry Britt)
11. Consider approving variance request to change setbacks to 5’ in The Heights Phase III. (Larry Britt)
12. Consider final subdivision site plan approval for The Heights Phase III. (Larry Britt)
13. Consider change order #4 for CR406 project. (Larry Britt)
14. Consider adopting resolution honoring the Lafayette High School FFA Chapter. (Mike Roberts)
15. Consider adopting proclamation to establish Lafayette County as a Purple Heart County. (Jeff Busby)
16. Consider authorizing appraisal of county property related to MDOT right of way acquisition offer. (David O’Donnell)
17. Spread on the minutes the continuation certificate for Evelyn King of Lafayette Upper Elementary School. (Sherry Wall)
18. Spread on the minutes the official bond of oath for Deputy Justice Court Clerk Sache Adams. (Sherry Wall)
19. Spread on the minutes the official bond & oath for Kelly Presley Smith, Deputy Tax Collector. (Sherry Wall)
20. Spread on the minutes the payment of $9,000 to Chancery Clerk for August court costs. (Sherry Wall)
21. Spread on the minutes the payment of $80 to Clerk of the Board for attendance at the August 3 & 17, 2015 meetings. (Sherry Wall)
22. Consider approving application for certification of one mill levy. (Sherry Wall)
23. Spread on the minutes the payment of $6,706 to Circuit Clerk for August court costs. (Baretta Mosley)
24. Spread on the minutes the petitions for reduction of assessment for 2014 personal/personal property. (Sylvia Baker)
25. Spread on the minutes the hiring of Jardon Montgomery, Terry Rockette, and Colby Morgan as part time jailors effective September 1, 2015. (Sheriff East)
26. Consider training request for 2 jailors to attend Guard School September 9, 2015 through October 14, 2015 for mileage only. (Sheriff East)
27. Consider training request for 7 deputies to attend a DNA class in Tupelo, MS on September 9, 2015 at no cost. (Sheriff East)
28. Consider training request for Fire Investigator to attend the MS Fire Investigations Association Fall Seminar October 21-23, 2015 at a cost of $135 plus travel. (Sheriff East)
29. Consider training request for 5 Supervisors, County Administrator and Comptroller to attend the 2015 New Term Orientation in Jackson, MS December 8-9, 2015 at a cost of $75 each plus travel. (Joseph Johnson)
30. Consider approving service maintenance contracts for automatic doors with Stanley Access Technologies. (Joseph Johnson)
31. Consider approving computer software support agreements with Delta Computer Systems, Inc. (Joseph Johnson)
32. Consider authorizing repair costs in excess of $5,000 for road department service truck. (Joseph Johnson)
33. Consider authorizing repair costs which may exceed $5,000 for solid waste truck. (Joseph Johnson)
34. Consider declaring as salvage and deleting fixed assets from inventory. (Joseph Johnson)
35. Consider transferring fixed assets from Emergency Management to Fire Department. (Joseph Johnson)
36. Consider approving the purchase of a Dodge Ram 5500 from state contract for Solid Waste. (Joseph Johnson)
37. Consider approving the purchase of one Pac-Mac 8 yard rear loading garbage body. (Joseph Johnson)
38. Consider budget amendment for Sheriff Department to purchase 2015 Dodge Charger to replace wrecked vehicle. (Joseph Johnson)
39. Consider approving the purchase of one Dodge Charger from state contract for Sheriff Department. (Joseph Johnson)
40. Consider budget amendment for Hospital Proceeds for miscellaneous expenses. (Joseph Johnson)
41. Consider approving property and casualty insurance proposal from Travelers Insurance. (Joseph Johnson)
42. Consider training request for 3 volunteer firemen to attend the 2015 MS Fire Investigators Association Fall Seminar October 21-23, 2015 in Natchez, MS at a cost of $135 each plus travel. (Joseph Johnson)
43. Consider training request for 2 Election Commissioners to attend the Secretary of State Train the Trainer course September 23, 2015 in Tupelo, MS for travel costs only. (Joseph Johnson)
44. Spread on the minutes the hiring of Richard Dennis as part time landscape worker effective September 3, 2015. (Joseph Johnson)
45. Consider approving solid waste write-offs for August, 2015. (Joseph Johnson)
46. Consider Executive Session.
47. Recess/ Adjourn