Open letter of gratitude for all things

Published 9:44 am Wednesday, October 16, 2024

By Steve Stricker


Dear God: 

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I am a mess.  Thank you for a somewhat peaceful, restful night amongst a gaggle of life stuff pummeling me as we speak.  It’s Thursday afternoon, October 10, 2024, I am in my home office writing this column for the Oxford Eagle in what I call “God’s House” as, like everything else in my life, it is only by your mercy and love that I humbly have this lovely home.  Please tell Daddy, Gert, and sister Pat hello for me and that I love and miss them terribly.   

Early this morning as I quietly meditated your incarnation, suffering, and death through the gift of the Rosary (a most powerful and efficacious prayer), before 12:10 Mass like every day, I was totally enveloped in your unfathomable peace.  Both patio doors were open and after a weird summer, Fall is trying to overcome the heat with 80-degree days, 50 at night, trees changing colors, birds of many species and several squirrels sharing the birdseed at my feeders, enjoying a drink from the bird bath, while in the distance crows are chatting.   

As you well know, I have not always enjoyed the fruit of your peace.  Although raised in a Catholic family, attending Catholic School from kindergarten through high school, and along with my classmates going to daily Mass during the school year, I nonetheless did not have “true faith” until my freshman year in college. Daddy died two weeks before my freshman classes began and I was miserable, lost, and hurting.  One night in tears, for the first time in my life, I turned to you for help and there you were, patiently waiting for me to call upon you, and my faith slowly began to mature.  

Along my faith journey, you have acquainted me with the Blessed Virgin Mary (my heavenly mother), her spouse Joseph, the Holy Spirit (a great mechanic and who writes these columns) to become my friend, given me the saints, human beings like Saint John Paul II, Mother Teresa who humbly showed us how to live according to your will and so many others who freely gave their lives rather than denounce you to intervene in prayer for me to you.     

Your guidance Lord has allowed me to endure countless difficulties in my life then and now and through it all was your omnipresent peace.  Riches, one’s prominence, fame or stature cannot buy this peace as it is your gift to us.  One need only to let go, be totally open, and allow your will to be done to receive this heavenly treasure.  To this day it isn’t always easy for me to completely let go of control to you, especially now, and at times I get weak, attempt to do things my way, fall flat on my face and swiftly run back to you.  Each time I return, you are there with absolute love and forgiveness. 

O Lord, thank you for saving my life over and over, especially in Vietnam, picking me up when I fall, never giving up on me, allowing me all that I have, especially dear friends and earthly heroes who may and may not know who they are, to see me for who I truly am, giving us the freedom in this United States of America to openly practice our faith, (for me by participating in daily Mass and all the sacraments especially receiving you in the Eucharist), all priests and religious of all faiths you have called to be your apostles, all who believe and don’t believe, and for your amazing gift of peace.    

In closing God, please forgive the many times I have failed you, let those who I have offended know that I am truly sorry and seek their forgiveness as I have forgiven those who have offended me.  Please grant me humility, your continued guidance, let me be an instrument of your peace and a proper witness to you, not a hypocrite, to those who do not believe,  and please Lord do not let me be misunderstood.  Convey your peace upon each of us, our troubled world; unite broken families, and thank you, especially for my son Stephen and his family. 

Your unworthy servant and son, Stephen. 

Steve is an Oxford resident, worked on Campus, and received his Ph.D. in Counseling from Ole Miss. JMJ