One citizen, one vote, one day is sufficient

Published 12:54 pm Wednesday, August 28, 2024


By Harold Brummett

Denmark Star Route

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Recently there have been hearings in Jackson and a couple of places around the state concerning early voting. The Republocrats in our Legislature with a wink and a nod from leadership have been getting behind this movement as their real constituents have a need to influence the voting process.  

As I understand it, the Circuit Clerks have been wary of the proposal to have a voting season instead of a day set aside to vote. The reasons are numerous – cost, trained workers, complexity and last, but not least, opening voting up to more shenanigans than we have now. 

The only fair solution is one citizen, one vote, one day. 

The way the law stands now, all you need to vote early is to be over 65 years of age. Other than age all that is required is a reason to vote early is an excuse (out of town, medical, work, etc.). There is simply no reason to extend the voting day to a season except a greater opportunity to manipulate voting.  

It is a constant battle for the election commissioners to keep the rolls current even for those who want to. The Secretary of State has been working to try to help the counties with this, but it is a Herculean task at best and even harder with those counties who really do not want to keep current.  Expanding the time to vote will not help with this problem. 

Early voting would not correct the problem of university students registering to vote in local elections without first taking themselves off the rolls of their home state. Jeff Busby our Circuit Clerk has indicated that while it is illegal to register to vote in two states there is in fact no way to check. Only a few states have even started the groundwork for such a cross check. 

Some of our representatives are busy trying to find a voting problem to fit a solution they have already reached. Early voting is a solution that is not needed or even passes the common sense test. One citizen, one vote, one day.