Conservative groups engaging students

Published 3:28 pm Wednesday, July 24, 2024

By Harold Brummett
Denmark Star Route

The Conservative Coalition met on the 18th of July at the Chancery Court Building. There were two speakers on the agenda.

The first was Jacob Lawrence, who represented Turning Point USA. Charlie Kirk, nationally known commentator, founded the organization that mainly caters to college and high school students.

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Jacob Lawrence spoke at length about the organization. He stated Turning Point USA has a chapter on every SEC campus. Mr. Lawrence’s responsibility is colleges in North Alabama and North Mississippi.

He told the crowd that one of his responsibilities was to ensure the campus organizations were transparent and welcoming. He assisted in helping organize speakers to campus such as Candice Owens who spoke at the University of Alabama. Mr. Lawrence stated that on October 29th Riley Gaines is coming to the

University of Mississippi to speak and the event is open to the public.

The focus of Turning Point USA is to educate students, engage with ideas, and provide literature to inform students. The organization was looking for students who want to become involved because of their values.

The second speaker was Andrew Gasser (late of the State of Illinois and now resides in Mississippi) who spoke on what conservatives needed to do in Lafayette County.

Andrew Gasser’s expertise is based on his success in keeping Illinois firmly in the conservative camp.

Both presentations were well received.