Yard signs highlight importance of the arts

Published 6:23 pm Monday, June 12, 2023

Neighborhood Realty leading eye-catching effort

On your morning commute to work, keep an eye out for The Yoknapatawpha Arts Council yard signs displayed and scattered throughout the town.

Neighborhood Realty has partnered with YAC to display colorful and eye-catching yard signs on the lawns of those who renew or gift a membership to the organization.

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The success of YAC is because of the support of community members and local businesses, and highlighting these individuals encourages others to get involved by offering yard signs to everyone who renews their membership or gifts one for a friend.

Looking for a special way to celebrate someone? Consider purchasing a year-long membership to YAC for them to enjoy. When you gift a membership to someone, a YAC team member will set up signs in the individual’s yard for one week. The signs include colorful paint brushes, the famous YAC logo, and a sign that signifies them becoming a member.

Local realtor and YAC member, Brooke Worthy, has valued the importance of the arts in Oxford. This idea originated from her giving back to the organization for many years. Each time she sells a home, she gifts the buyers a YAC membership to encourage involvement in the community.

“YAC is not only an organization that supports local artists, but it also encourages community and engagement within our town, ” said Worthy, owner and realtor at Neighborhood Realty.

Purchasing a membership supports local artists and creative economy entrepreneurs and comes with multiple benefits. Members of YAC receive discounts on popular YAC community events, art camps, and classes. They are also invited to the annual Holiday Party & Ornament Auction filled with small bites and drinks from local restaurants.

Wayne Andrews, YAC’s director, shared his gratitude towards local businesses and community members supporting this idea. Check out some of YAC’s board members and partners this week who have shown their support with yard signs: Walt Davis with Dunbar Davis, The Chamber of Commerce, and Douglas Vance.

“We cannot thank them enough for their ongoing support towards our organization. Supporters and members such as Walt Davis, the Chamber and Douglas Vance are the reason YAC continues to thrive,” Andrews said.

Support YAC by renewing memberships to receive a “YAC-tastic” yard sign at www.oxfordarts.com.