County contribution appreciated
Published 10:32 am Friday, December 16, 2016
We should all take a moment to stop, pause and give thanks to Lafayette County for contributing $1 million toward Oxford’s new Activity Center.
This contribution toward the community project, estimated to cost $7.75 million. The Lafayette County Supervisors, with leadership from President Jeff Busby, made this $1 million contribution happen, and it is both a significant financial partnership step and a symbolic partnership step that we appreciate.
Oxford residents are also residents of Lafayette County and Lafayette County residents benefit from Oxford facilities. The city and county should work together like this whenever possible.
We believe this is the first step and there will be more opportunities to come, since already, the governments are exploring opportunities to participate in projects together and share costs.
As Oxford and Lafayette County grow, our ability to stand and serve together as one will be critical to infrastructure and quality of life development and success. So we applaud both the city and the county leaderships for working well enough together to take this important step.
This significant contribution says a lot about our future as one, and we appreciate the county’s participation in this project.