Increase safety measures
Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Crime happens and it happens every day. Yes, even in peaceful Oxford and Lafayette County.
However, two armed robberies within roughly one month of each other at the same location in Oxford on a busy road is not acceptable.
It seems some security measures need to be implemented or beefed up, whether it is by the Oxford Police Department, city officials or Regions Bank.
On Saturday before most people were awake, there was an armed robbery at the Regions ATM. On Dec. 15 there was another armed robbery at the same location. Only it was during the evening hours while people were out getting dinner for their families and heading home from work.
Anyone with information on who is involved needs to do the right thing and provide it to police. Crime Stoppers offers anonymous tips and even provides monetary incentives. Also, if you may have seen something suspicious while driving up to get some cash and recently decided to go without because you felt uneasy, call that in.
Residents need to be increasingly aware of their surroundings not only when using the ATM, but also when out and about. Crimes are generally ones of opportunity, and if you’re aware, you’re a step ahead.