Experience on the city level spurs Rick Addy’s candidacy for Lafayette Supervisor

Rick Addy’s decision to run for the Lafayette County Board of Supervisor’s District 2 seat was in the makings for a few weeks, but he still needed some time.

The Ward One Alderman had some asking and others urging, however he wanted to investigate and search on his own before he officially announced his bid for the seat.

He did so on social media Thursday morning, with the resolve to move forward.

“In the last couple of hours, I said ‘okay, put it out, step forward and move forward.’” Addy said.

Addy’s official announcement may look simple on paper, however his decision came with a very in-depth though process, which began with his current status one of Oxford’s Aldermen.

Addy became an Alderman when Jay Hughes, the former Ward One Alderman, resigned from his position in December 2015 after being elected to the House of Representatives.

“I would always say I would probably only do anything as a timeframe,” Addy said. “I always look at eight years at which you should run in office. I think that’s your best timeframe.”

As an Alderman, Addy has served for three years and counting, and is approaching that timeframe he has for his service.

“If I continued moving forward with my alderman run, I would be at about seven years when it ends,” he said. “I would not run again I do not believe.”

Now, running for a supervisor’s seat, Addy can combine the working knowledge he has with the city and apply it countywide. This, however, comes with a specific distinction and goal in mind.

“City and county will always be separate, and in my mind they always have been,” Addy said. “I just look at how to save tax money down the road.”

Addy said that being part of the city government, as well as growing up in Oxford, has helped him learn how the budgets work on the city scale, and that his existing knowledge of county budgets will help a potential move to the county.

The most important thing Addy wants county residents to know is that he is a rigorous worker and promises to investigate every question asked before giving an answer.

He is also looking forward to extending his boundaries and getting to know the county residents who he will potentially adopt as a county supervisor.

“Getting out to see everybody is a lot of fun, but it’s a lot of work,” Addy said. “If you’re not in shape before hand you will be afterwards.”
