Letters to the Editor

Beware of scams, as they seem to always be one step away

We have all heard about scams and have been warned against them, which is a good thing because ...

Letters to the Editor

City, county residents deserve a year-round swimming pool

The citizens of Oxford and Lafayette County are in need of a year-round, public and affordable swimming pool. ...

Letters to the Editor

Liberal media not to blame for Trump perception, Trump is

Unfortunately I feel that it is Steve Vassallo (“Morning Joe” just doesn’t get it, The EAGLE June 19, ...

Letters to the Editor

Visit Oxford’s Little Free Libraries around town

Reading is power! And who doesn’t want some power these days? Two new Little Free Libraries have been ...

Letters to the Editor

VISTA is proud to expand into nearby Sunflower County

The North Mississippi VISTA Project is proud to announce that it is expanding and will be placing its ...

Letters to the Editor

The Pantry thanks community for May support and donations

The Pantry Board would like to offer sincere thanks to all of the community-spirited members of the The ...

Letters to the Editor

Work together through differences of faith and pray

A week ago, the world mourned the death of Ali, a fighter, a Muslim, a man of great faith ...

Letters to the Editor

We have a responsibility to vote

A June 7 Your Turn said the third option In the presidential elections is “not to vote.” DId we ...

Letters to the Editor

Community lost a great person in the death of Curtis Knight

On May 27, 2016, one of the most vibrant lights of our community went out. Curtis Knight was ...

Letters to the Editor

Pantry board of directors thanks Oxford community

The Pantry Board would like to offer our sincere thanks to all of the community spirited members of ...

Letters to the Editor

Memorial Day brings thoughts of peace

Memorial Day brings to mind an essay my late son, Stuart Bullion, wrote. He was a veteran of ...

Letters to the Editor

Sarah Isom staff thanks area for support on pride parade

The staff of the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies would like to say a heartfelt ...

Letters to the Editor

House bill passage will impact state’s residents negatively

The passage of House Bill 1523 has had a far reaching, negative effect on the image of the ...

Letters to the Editor

Man’s law versus moral law is ongoing

Press articles/opinions I have seen are 14 against and 4 for House Bill 1523. People who emotionally argue ...

Letters to the Editor

Invest in people of Lafayette County first

Regarding the homeless issue, lack of affordable housing should be at the top of the list.  Classes on ...

Letters to the Editor

Myth vs. reality: Initiative 42 equals threats, promises

THREAT: Vote against Initiative or else these really bad things will happen: 1. Tax dollars for your schools ...

Letters to the Editor

Pantry board of directors thanks Oxford community

The Pantry Board would like to offer our sincere thanks to all of the community spirited members of ...

Letters to the Editor

Zinnias remind of mother, growing up, seeing beauty

My mother’s flowers are my most vivid memory of my childhood age 5 to 8. If it weren’t ...

Letters to the Editor

There are options to make you stop texting and driving

I just wanted to take a quick minute to say good job, this is a very informative article ...

Letters to the Editor

Change the flag and good will come to the state of Mississippi

I was privileged to live in Mississippi for a period of time. As a proud graduate of the ...

Letters to the Editor

Law enforcement needs to abide by no cellphone use law

I was pleased to read in the Friday, April 29 edition the article about the increasing enforcement and ...

Letters to the Editor

New program aims to help area seniors

Plenty of programs stress the importance of talking to teenagers about the dangers of drug misuse, but who ...

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