
A new generation of leadership

The most remarkable, impacting leadership most always comes from those in the rising generation who possess the focus, ...


The historical customs of Valentine’s Day

By T.J. Ray You’re forgiven if you overlooked that little piece about Valentines Day in the New Orleans ...


Film festival director has made her mark on Oxford

About five years after I started to work for the EAGLE, Melanie Addington was hired to be the ...


The ALEC’s fighting for control of public education

By T.J. Ray UNESCO, NASA, DAR, OPEC, ALEC. . . . The alphabet soup that we use to ...


The NCAA vs. cases of sexual assault

As the fallout for Michigan State continues in response to the Larry Nassar case, another battle is brewing. ...


How to survive a Southern snowpocalypse

Snow in East Texas is only slightly less rare than a parade of CNN reporters wearing red “Make ...


Big business has state prisons, wants schools, too

By Charlie Mitchell Lobbyists have been around as long as there have been lawmaking bodies. Once they were ...


Beware the ‘Conservative’ who grows in office

By Michael Shannon The maddening problem facing conservatives fighting the growth of Big Government is that much of ...


Hey Feds, take your ethanol mandate and shovel it

By Tom Purcell My back is sore from shoveling snow – and it’s the federal government’s fault. Maybe ...


Quite a sight along the Sardis Reservoir as Pelicans come to visit

So many aspects of this amazing world we get to enjoy are awe-inspiring. From mountains to oceans to ...


Zoning is the next step for Lafayette County

By T.J. Ray A congratulations banner would be appropriate across the balcony of the Chancery Building. The Board ...


The truth about a government shutdown

By Michael Shannon This weekend the United States Treasury bumped up against the “debt ceiling.” This debt ceiling ...


Raw Water: Threat or menace?

By Danny Tyree Thirty-plus years ago, aunt Addie Lee dropped in on the farmhouse that my parents used ...


Funding plan eases problems for lawmakers, not schools

By Charlie Mitchell A modified method of distributing state revenue to local public school districts will have little ...


Let’s explore some other options during snowy, icy weather for schools

Some days, it seems the only thing one can rely on is Mississippi’s weather’s being as chaotic as ...


A federal Girl Scout cookie intervention

By Tom Purcell I’m on a diet – a miserable diet, just as millions of Americans are during ...


Weird weather is nothing new

You know the weather is weird when you leave Oxford for a snow skiing trip, and temperatures are ...


Using technology to remember those long gone

By T.J Ray Computers are wonderful places to stick images and ideas. In a hurry to get a ...


Fake news is not just what we disagree with

We live in interesting times. Everyone walks around with a mini-computer in their pocket which, with a few ...


iPhone Xcess; at least for now

By Jason Graves For my eldest and most expensive daughter’s fifteenth birthday, she requested a new cell phone/adolescent ...


When will Trump voters say enough is enough?

By Charlie Mitchell What are you willing to look past to get what you want? It’s a great ...


Pickleball, the Duckbill Platypus of Sports

Have you ever thought, ‘I like ping pong, but I want something a little more extreme?’ If so, ...

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