Letters to the Editor

Pantry directors thank the community for its support

The Pantry Board would like to offer sincere thanks to all of the community-spirited members of St. John’s ...

Letters to the Editor

Veterans are at high risk for ALS

Over the last year, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has done a tremendous job of shining a light ...

Letters to the Editor

Christianity is not under attack

I  disagree with the premise that “Displays of Christian faith (are) under attack” from columnist Rob Sigler on ...

Letters to the Editor

Being respectful of all is not an attack

I was extremely disappointed to read Friday’s column “Displays of Christian faith under attack.” Mr. Sigler equated calls to ...

Letters to the Editor

It’s the flag of the state, not of UM

The recent decision by a group at Ole Miss to remove the state flag shows just how bazaar ...

Letters to the Editor

To supporters of Initiative 42

As another school day began Wednesday morning, the 500,000 candidates for whom we fought in the campaign for ...

Letters to the Editor

Rotary Club kicks off Christmas store

This month, the Oxford-Ole Miss Rotary Club and Interfaith Compassion Ministry officially kick off The Christmas Store — ...

Letters to the Editor

Change is needed in education system

I’ve been practicing pediatrics in Oxford for the past 30 years. Several years ago, I began to concentrate ...

Letters to the Editor

I’m voting no on both 42 and 42A

It’s election time again and something unusual will be on your ballot. Ordinarily you would go to a ...

Letters to the Editor

Vote for education

I look at Initiative 42 from what I consider to be very informed eyes. Due to the nature ...

Letters to the Editor

Only citizens of Mississippi should have some authorities

From the lowest of the low to the highest of the high, the citizens of the state of ...

Letters to the Editor

Resident unhappy with Ole Miss decision

Needless to say, I am very unhappy and upset at the action of the University of Mississippi for ...

Letters to the Editor

Resident applauds the ASB

I want to applaud the decision by the Ole Miss ASB. My only regret is that it takes a ...

Letters to the Editor

I’m voting for Phil Bryant

Mississippi’s schools are going through an amazing transformation right now, and we’ve got Gov. Phil Bryant to thank ...

Letters to the Editor

Each day is a gift

As September was the month to honor the aging, I would like to submit a creed for publication. ...

Letters to the Editor

Thankful to see coverage

It was with pleasure and pride that I saw a picture of my niece’s daughter, Paige Ryder, in ...

Letters to the Editor

In support of Cristen Hemmins

We have never written a letter to the editor or publicly announced our support for any candidate for ...

Letters to the Editor

Flag will not be accepted by all

More than 250,000 Confederate soldiers lost their lives during the American civil war. That great acts of courage ...

Letters to the Editor

Residents’ thoughts matter on UM flag

Regarding the vote to remove the state flag from Ole Miss: You have changed our name to the ...

Letters to the Editor

ASB: Don’t erase Ole Miss history

To our friends in the ASB: This is not about a flag or even about a symbol but ...

Letters to the Editor

Pleased with Bryant’s leadership

Mississippi is getting back to work and it feels good. Just look at how our unemployment rate keeps ...

Letters to the Editor

Stuttering awareness day is today

International Stuttering Awareness Day is today, and you should know that more than 70 million people stutter worldwide. ...

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