Wishing Gov. Winter a full recovery
Published 10:37 am Monday, January 9, 2017
When former Gov. William Winter slips and falls much of Mississippi feels the blow.
Such was the case this weekend when Winter, 93, ended up hospitalized with head injuries after slipping and falling on ice while walking his dog.
News spread quickly throughout the state and country Saturday soon after Winter was hospitalized and concern poured out on social media and to family members of the former governor, who were at his side at University Medical Center in Jackson.
Prayers came from near and far for Winter, known for leading Mississippi during his tenure and in the decades since in areas of education and racial reconciliation.
The support made a difference, and all signs now are that Winter will make a full recovery from this experience.
We did not need a reminder of how much people in this state and beyond admire William Winter. His compassionate leadership is always clear and present. But it is still heart-warming to see so much care and concern for a man who means so much to us all.
Our best wishes for a speedy recover to former Gov. Winter. And we look forward to more meaningful, impacting days from his presence to come.