Age is an issue of mind over matter

Published 1:58 pm Wednesday, October 23, 2024

By Bonnie Brown


As I navigate the era of being a “senior citizen” I find it more challenging than I expected.  As I saw my grandparents and parents age, I thought I would be more determined and better equipped to manage the challenges that the ever-changing calendar presents.  However, that has not been the case.  But I have decided that whatever age I am now is the “new” 40!

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I know it is important to remain as active as possible.  Keep moving is my new mantra.  But some mornings as I wake up, my determination to get moving has abandoned me.  It’s a slow-go out of bed and I crave that first cup of coffee! My eyes take longer to focus and adapt to the light.  My feet move slower, and the rest of my body has trouble greeting the day with much enthusiasm.   I don’t follow an exercise regimen but try to stretch and keep moving.  I haven’t measured my steps, but I certainly don’t make the recommended 10,000 steps.  Some days my exercise consists of squeezing the toothpaste out of the tube!  

When I was still working and mentoring college students, I made it a point to stay up on things that were part of their day to day.  I learned early about Tinder (the dating app and socializing network).  I listened to their conversations and thought to myself that it is sad enough that their music was not as good as what I had experienced as a teen.  And I helped them embrace the positives in their lives—the technology they enjoyed, the many opportunities they had, the education available to them.  But having been retired for several years now, I’m not sure I could identify with them on the same level, and I certainly couldn’t stay a step ahead.  

As seniors, we too have lots of opportunities.  We can enjoy the technology and keep up with family and friends without much effort doing the electronic connection.  But don’t forget how rewarding and fun it is to spend actual social time with family and friends.  Remember how isolated and frustrated we were during Covid when we had to be cautious not to spread the disease?  I remember when we drove to Tupelo to see our son Jeff and his sweet family.  Sadly, we sat in the car in their driveway and talked and waved but had no physical contact.  It hurt so badly that we couldn’t hug them!  

Maybe you have considered a new hobby.  My husband Tom encouraged me to take up a hobby when I retired.  I decided to try painting but when I shared this with him he asked which room did I want to start in!  He knew that I had no artistic talent nor patience to learn the techniques required.  So, instead I started writing.

Speaking of writing, perhaps you might wish to start recording or writing down some family history for your family.  I so wish that I had recorded many of the conversations with my parents and grandparents because now my recall of those conversations and stories is fading quickly.

Take care of yourself.  Make those appointments for checkups.  Take your medications as prescribed.  When your doctor makes a recommendation, follow his/her advice.  They are the experts and take it seriously to do their best to keep you healthy.  They have your best interest at heart.  That’s why they went to medical school and spent a fortune to do this.  

My new slogan just might be this: Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!  I think I’m gonna go with this.  (Smile)