Let’s hope we (and students) are ready for fall semester

Published 3:48 pm Wednesday, August 21, 2024

By Bonnie Brown

If you’ve been out and about recently, you likely have taken note of the U-Haul brigade as the Lafayette-Oxford-University’s new residents arrive for the fall semester. We have heard reports of a bumper crop of freshmen coming to Ole Miss. Let’s hope our community is ready for them.

Let’s also hope that the new (and returning) residents are ready for this experience of moving to campus, to apartments, condos, and houses. Let’s hope the parents are also ready for the college experience.

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Parents, open those wallets wide and show up with your credit card. You only thought you’d spent a lot getting your students ready to start college. The bigger ticket items will come soon enough.

I remember when I worked on campus that the girls often had already shopped and bought outfits for each football game. And let’s not forget to mention the shoes and boots for those darling outfits. And the guys might be surprised that it’s customary to dress up a bit for these athletic events. Ole Miss students are the best-dressed fans in the country.

I used to write a column of survival tips for students. It included staying in touch with parents and grandparents. Also, introducing yourself to your professors, so they get to know you. Also, getting acquainted with students in their classes so in the event they miss a class, they can call upon their fellow students for notes. Be sure to pack rain gear and a portable phone charger in your backpack.

You will need both. And for parents, pay for a roadside assistance provider. It is well worth the money to have peace of mind you don’t have to make the drive to come to their rescue for a flat tire or a dead battery. I also recommend renter’s insurance if your student lives off campus. It’s usually quite affordable. And my advice to students is everything in moderation and don’t do stupid stuff. If they adhere to these two rules, they will be fine.

Need I say anything about traffic? Yes, the roads will be even more crowded, and Jackson Avenue will be a nightmare so plan accordingly. I would suggest that everyone pack their patience. You don’t have to pass me, and then pull in front of me to get off at the exit. Just wait a few extra seconds and you’ll be at your chosen exit. Please learn how to maneuver in the roundabouts. We have many—and they work.

Also, please stay a safe distance from my rear bumper, if you please. I try to follow the posted speed limit. And just to clarify, the speed limit applies to BOTH lanes! So, just because you zip into the left lane on this four-lane expressway, doesn’t mean that you should be setting a land speed record. This is Oxford, not Los Angeles.

I have seen parents who try to relive their college days through their students. Don’t do it! You’ve had your turn and likely you had some lapses in judgment back then, and you are likely to repeat those errors in judgment should you choose to get your “back in the day” on! And your student will not approve of this behavior.

Oxford welcomes these young people who are arriving with great expectations, some trepidation, and have certain goals in mind. Let’s help them have a grand college experience. Welcome Rebels!