Explanation needed for trash collection hike

Published 11:46 am Wednesday, September 4, 2024

By Harold Brummett
Denmark Star Route

Will Rogers said. “All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance.”

In the Wednesday, August 28th issue of the Oxford Eagle page 10 and below the fold was a big announcement. ‘Lafayette County Board of Supervisors Resolution of Intent to increase solid waste monthly fee.’

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$20. That is what garbage pickup will be for Lafayette county effective October 1st. Was $12. What do you get for your $20?

The advertisement in the Oxford Eagle did not explain what the additional cost buys for the residents of the county. All the advertisement said by way of explanation was the Board of Supervisors could, by law, raise the fee. And they did.

That of course makes it all better.

Will the solid waste workers get a raise? Do we need new trucks? Why such a big (60%) jump at one time? The last increase was $2 back in 2014. Inflation? Increase in worker retirement costs?

A $96 annual increase is no big deal if you live in the city limits. Is the goal to match what the city residents pay regardless of need? The City rate is already $22. An $8 increase is ice cream money for those living in half-million to million-dollar homes. To those on fixed incomes or young families in single-wide trailers with kids to feed it is just one more burden as all other costs rise.

By the way, the Board of Supervisors is thinking of raising your Ad Valorem Tax. This is the tax on things like car tags, your home, rental property and things like that. State law says they can do that, too.

The Board will be holding a public hearing on the proposed budget and tax levy for FY 2025 on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 9 a.m. in the Supervisors Board Room in the Chancery Building.

For all of those who work and care to voice your opinion, the 9 a.m. time on a workday is just for you. The choice is yours, work or go to the public hearing. The Board will vote to raise the Ad Valorem Tax right after they listen to what the public has to say.

Could we have a Public Listening as the Supervisors explain why the increase is needed? Could the county cut a few corners?

Perhaps fewer out-of-town conventions and more zoom meetings. The pandemic fiasco has taught us that some training can be done online.

A last quote from Will Rogers – “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people that they don’t like.”