Back-to-school safety reminders

Published 1:53 pm Thursday, August 1, 2024

Children in the Oxford and Lafayette County school districts returned to school today and officials are reminding citizens to slow down, pay attention and stop for school buses.

The Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office posted bus safety rules on its social media sites explaining the laws about stopping for buses.

When you see the red lights flashing and the stop sign extended, vehicles must stop. This means children are getting on and off the bus.

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When the lights are yellow, vehicles should slow down and prepare to stop. It means the bus is about to come to a stop.

Mississippi motorists are required by law to stop at least 10 feet from school buses when they are loading or unloading and must not proceed until all children have crossed the street, red lights stop flashing, the extended stop-arm is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving.

Drivers also should pay attention to posted speed warnings and crossing signs especially at the beginning and end of each school day, according to the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents.

Understanding when and where children will be most active can help you anticipate potential hazards and adjust your driving accordingly, said Phil Burchfield, MAAS executive director.

“We’re reminding motorists to be extra vigilant, obey all traffic and school bus safety laws, and ensure that kids return home safely to their families every day,” Burchfield said. “Our children are our most precious resource, which is why we ask you to join us in helping to keep our roads safe both now and year-round.”

Here are some tips for safe driving during the back-to-school season from MAAS:

  • Know your route — familiarize yourself with local school zones and schedules along your route if you are driving during peak school commuting hours.
  • Expect the unexpected — since children can be unpredictable, be prepared for them to dart into the street without warning.
  • Avoid distractions — keep your eyes on the road and do not eat, drink, text or do anything that would divert your focus from what is ahead of you.
  • Obey speed limits — school zones have reduced speed limits for a reason, so slow down and be prepared to stop suddenly.

The LCSO also reminds parents they too can help keep their children safe by being mindful of what information they post on social media with their “First Day” photos.

When sharing pictures, avoid including:

  • Child’s Name
  • School name
  • Grade
  • Age
  • What they wear
  • Favorite snack
  • After school activities
  • What your house looks like