
Published 12:00 pm Friday, November 27, 2015

Crime reports were unavailable this morning due to the holiday and offices being closed; however reports were obtained from Oxford Fire Department and Lafayette County EMS.

Oxford Fire Department

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At 7:08 a.m. Wednesday at the Marriot on Ed Perry Blvd. for a smoke detector malfunction.

At 2:55 p.m. Wednesday at 411 County Road 101 to Winchester and stood by while workers changed out a chlorine tank.

At 5:58 p.m. Wednesday to Winchester again after a machine caught on fire that was out on arrival.

At 7:24 p.m. Wednesday to University Trails apartments

At 1:38 p.m. Thursday to Leighton Road for a false alarm.

At 8:20 p.m. Thursday to the Village apartments on campus for a smoke detector malfunction

At 2:44 this morning to The Hub apartments for a water flow alarm.

Lafayette County

Fire Department

No reports available.

Lafayette County EMS

16 ambulance calls