Crime Report: Monday Sept. 28

Published 12:04 pm Monday, September 28, 2015


Oxford Police


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29 public consumption

20 public drunk

1 Reckless driving, failure to dim headlight, run stop sign, failure to yield to emergency vehicle

1 one head light, possession of drug paraphernalia, DUI

1 reckless driving, no insurance, DUI

1 public drunk, minor in possession, consumption of alcohol in public building parks etc., resisting arrest, simple assault

1 run red light, no permit vehicle for hire, DUI

2 public drunk, failure to comply

1 speeding, possession of drug paraphernalia, DUI

1 careless driving minor in possession of alcohol

1 out of jurisdiction warrant serves

1 possession of drug paraphernalia and warrant served

1 seat belt violation, possession of drug paraphernalia

1 speeding, no insurance, no driver’s license

3 possession fake ID/DL, minor in possession

1 obstructing traffic, DUI

1 failure to comply

1 no headlight, DUI

1 careless driving, DUI

1 public drunk, contributing to the delinquency of a minor

1 public drunk, resisting arrest

1 possession fake ID/drivers’ license


7 alarms

10 suspicious activities

2 motorist assist

4 lost property

4 careless driver

15 disturbing the peace

2 domestic disturbance

143 traffic citations

16 wrecks

3 malicious mischief

3 improper parking

8 welfare concern

2 ambulance assist

1 fire department assist

1 simple assault

2 animal complaint

2 burglary

1 harassment

University Police

University police reported the following activity:

1 citation for possession of fake ID and speeding

4 motor vehicle accidents

9 service calls

4 vandalism

3 larceny

2 arrest for public drunk and fake ID

1 citation for possession of alcoholic beverage under 21

1 arrest for public drunk and possession of controlled substance 3,4,5

1 citation for fake ID and smoking

15 arrest for public drunk

1 arrest for disorderly conduct and public drunk

1 arrest for disorderly conduct, public drunk and fake ID

1 arrest for DUI refusal with a traffic citation for speeding

7 arrest for possession of paraphernalia

1citation for possession of beer under 21

1citation for disorderly conduct

1arrest for public drunk, resisting arrest, and possession of paraphernalia

1 arrest for disorderly conduct

1 arrest for public drunk and resisting arrest

1 arrest for DUI other with a traffic citation for driving wrong way on one-way street

1 arrest for public drunk, possession of alcoholic beverage by minor and malicious mischief

1 arrest for DUI refusal

2 ambulance assistance

Sheriff’s Department

Deputies responded to four wrecks, five alarms and responded to the following:

6 animal complaints

1 commercial burglary (Highway 331)

2 residential burglary (Thacker Heights, County Road 426)

16 disturbances

1 domestic violence

23 service calls

10 suspicious activities

1 vandalism

3 welfare concern

5 transports

5 civil matter

2 supplemental reports

2 traffic complaints

3 unauthorized use of vehicle

1 recovered stolen tractor


1 simple assault on an officer, 911 abused

1 writ to take custody

1 public drunk

1 touching a child for lustful purposes

1 domestic violence, simple assault

1 uttering forgery warrant