Turning dirt may cost more for developers

Published 10:17 am Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Developers building commercial or multi-unit projects may soon pay more to turn dirt when their sites are being prepared for construction.

On Tuesday, the Oxford Board of Aldermen heard the first reading of an ordinance that would raise the permit fee for a land disturbance permit from $100 for the first 5 acres and $50 for each additional acre to $250 for the first five acres and $100 for the each additional acre.

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The proposed ordinance amendment also included sanctions for violators of the city’s storm water laws. A first violation would result in a stop-work order until sediment is satisfactorily removed if disposed of improperly. A second violation would result in a stop-work order for a minimum of one week. A third violation would result in a stop-work order and revocation of the building permit until the Board of Aldermen approves the removal of sedimentation and preventative efforts by the developer.

Violators who do not make the recommended changes to their storm water run-off plans could face a misdemeanor charge with fines from $500 to $1,000.

In other business Tuesday, the board:

— Approved allowing the Oxford-Lafayette Humane Society to construct an outdoor, screened patio for cats at no cost to the city.

— Approved a request to declare 10 vehicles surplus and authorized the disposal of the vehicle

— Heard the first reading of a proposed ordinance amendment to the Oxford Code of Ordinances regarding an adjustment of fees for mechanical permits

— Heard the second reading and held a public hearing on amending the Land Development Code to add Traditional Neighborhood Development zoning. A developer asked the city to consider increasing the units allowed per acre for single-family unattached dwellings from four to six to six to 12 to allow for smaller structures like cottages that are generally more affordable. The board told City Planner Judy Daniel to change the wording to include the change for the third reading in two weeks.

—Accepted maintenance of water, sewer and streets in Oxford Commons for The Preserve, Phase II and The Heights, Phase II.

— Authorized the city clerk to contact Glenmede financial advisors to facilitate the reimbursement of fees and to request the annual disbursement from the fund of $836,000.